
Product Development
We succeed by helping our clients win.
Verification and Validation

Our Verification Services make sure that a product, service, or system meets a set of initial design parameters and complies with regulations.

Our services involve creating and performing tests and analyzing the results. Post production, we repeat the process as new generations of the product or service are released to verify that they continue to meet the specifications. In the case of regulated industries, we repeat the process as time progresses to ensure that the product or service continues to be in compliance.

Our Validation Services check that the development and verification procedures for a product or service meet client requirement and specifications, or industry regulations. Our services involve creating and performing tests and analyzing the results for faults or gaps.  Subsequent validation procedures also include those that are designed specifically to ensure that modifications made to an existing qualified development or verification flow remain in compliance with regulations.

Our Validation Services can be expressed as “Are you building the right thing?” and Verification Services as “Are you building it right?”, HotDoodle™ Custom Web Design and Quality Affordable Website Designers for Small Businesses and Professionals
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